
  • General Rules

    For each submission, detailed contact information for the first author including telephone numbers and address should be provided.

    Original research papers should have no more than 6 authors who should be from no more than 3 institutions. Review articles should have no more than 3 authors who should be from no more than 2 institutions. Full details of affiliations and addresses should be provided. In principle, adding and changing authors will not be allowed once a manuscript is submitted.

    Authors should keep their own copy of submitted manuscripts as manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be returned. Authors should send their revised manuscript back to the journal in due course if revision is required. Otherwise authors will be deemed to forfeit publication.


    Manuscript Preparation

    a. Title

    The title of a manuscript should be meaningful and concise. Abbreviations, acronyms, or codes not well-known by the public should be avoided in the title.

    b. Abstract and Keywords

    A structured, one-paragraph abstract including the headings of objective(s), method(s), result(s), and conclusion(s) is required. The abstract should be a complete summary of the main text. Tables, figures, diagrams (such as those showing chemical structures), and non-standard symbols should be avoided in the abstract. The abstracts should be followed by 3 to 8 keywords.  

    c. Headings and Subheadings

    It is recommended that the headings and subheadings of the main text not exceed 3 levels. The headings and subheadings within the same level should use similar structures and tones.

    d. Introduction

    Theoretical foundations, research strategies, current status of related research area, etc, should be summarized using 200 to 300 words. Research objectives of the manuscript should also be clearly and accurately stated in this section.

    e. Materials and Instruments

    Product name, composition, specification, purity, source, manufacturer, and batch number should be clearly indicated for drugs and reagents used in the study. Species, age, weight, quantity, and source should be specified for experiment animals used. Product names and models should be provided for instruments used. Latin names should be given for traditional Chinese herbs when they first appear in the manuscript. Use Italic font whenever appropriate.   

    f. Methods

    Authors can just reference without providing details if the methods they used have been documented in the published literature. New methods or methods modified from existing ones should be specified so that other researchers can replicate.

    g. Units of Measurement and Abbreviations

    Units of measurement must be international units collected in the Legal Units of Measurement of People’s Republic of China, for example, s (second), min (minute), h (hour), d (day), and a (year). Commonly used abbreviations and symbols are acceptable. Examples include (female), ♂ (male), t (time), p (pressure), V (volume), 10-6 (quantity of rare material), δ = 2.5 (chemical shift), iv (intravenous injection), im (muscle inside injection), ip (abdomen injection), sc (subcutaneous injection), icv (brain room injection), ia (artery injection), po (oral), ig (infusing stomach).

    h. Tables and Figures  

    Try not using tables and figures wherever text is sufficient. Tables and figures should be self-explanatory and the data presented in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. All tables and figures should be numbered (with Arabic numerals) in the order of appearance. Each figure should be submitted in 2 copies. One is inserted in the main text where it should appear; the other is on a separate page attached to the manuscript.

    i. Presentation of Concentration     

    If the accurate molecular weight of a component in a mixture is known, the concentration of the component should be given as amount-of-substance concentration cB (the quantity of component B divided by the volume of mixture, i.e. mol/L); if the accurate molecular weight of a component is unknown, the concentration should be given as mass concentration ρB (the weight of component B divided by the volume of mixture, i.e. kg/L). Other forms of acceptable presentation of concentration include mass fraction wB (i.e. the ratio of the mass of compound B to the total mass of the mixture) and volume fraction φB (i.e. the ratio of component volume to the mixture volume). For example, 95% ethanol should be presented as w (C2H5OH) = 95% or w (C2H5OH)=0.95, which means 100 g ethanol mixture contains 95g ethanol.

    j. Fonts

    Times New Roman are the recommended fonts for English. Foreign character should be in italics whenever appropriate, for example, p (pressure), V (volume), (x,y) (sign of reference frame), Latin name senior to genus (including genus) in biology (e.g. Valerian officinalis L. var. latifolia Miq.), signs representing optical rotation, configuration, conformation, and position of replacement (e.g. d (dextrorotatory), l (levorotatory), dl (racemate), o-(ortho), p- (para), m- (meta), iso-(ectopia)), compounds containing double bonds (e.g. Z (Zusammen), E (Entegegen)), dimensional structure of chiral compounds (e.g. R (Rectus), S (Sinister)), amino acids, peptide, and glucide (e.g. D (replacement on the right), L (replacement on the left)), position of replacement of chemical element (e.g. N, O, P, S), some statistical symbols (e.g. sample size (n), standard error (s), F test, t test), Latin terms (e.g. in vivo and in vitro), and the names of author’s affiliations.

    k. Discussion and Conclusion  

    Results and main findings should be summarized and discussed to obtain creative, enlightening, and practical conclusions. Strength and weakness of the study should be clearly stated and future research directions should be indicated.


    l. References   

    References should be compiled numerically according to the order of citation. List all authors if there are 3 or fewer authors for a referenced article and list only the first 3 authors followed by et al if there are more than 3 authors.


    Examples of references

    [1] Wu Hongyan, Sun Lihua. Comparison of EQ-5D value sets between UK and Japan and the influences on the results of cost-utility [J]. Chinese Health Economics, 2012, 31 (7): 9-11.

    [2] Muller RH, Maaen S, Weyhers H, et al. Cytotoxicity of magnetite loaded polylactide, polylactide/glycolide particles and solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) [J]. Int J Pharm, 1996, 138: 85-94.

    [3] Chenqi. Methodology of Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine [M]. Beijing: People’s Health Publisher, 1993: 333-336.

    [4] Speiser P. Lipidnanopellets als tragersystem fur arzneimittel zur peroralen anwendung [P]. European Patent: EP 0167825, 1989-11-14.

    [5] International Diabetes Federation. IDF diabetes atlas update 2013, 6th edition estimates 2013-2035 [EB/OL]. (2014-03-07)[2015-04-07].

    Additional Information

    Additional information can be obtained from the editorial office or you can visit

    Manuscript Submission

    Manuscripts can be submitted totally on line.

    Editorial Office

    Editorial Department of “Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy”

    Address: No. 103, Wenhua Road, Shenyang, China

    Post code: 110016

    Tel: (86) 24-2398 6082        (86) 24-4352 0798

    Fax: (86) 24-2398 6082



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