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    2018年, 第13卷, 第1期 刊出日期:2018-03-20 上一期    下一期
    Research on Preferential Tax Policies Related to Pharmaceutical R&D in China
    Fan Yulu, Chen Yuwen
    2018 (1):  1-7. 
    摘要 ( 295 )   PDF(612KB) ( 307 )  
    Objective To find out the problems in tax policies related to pharmaceutical R&D in China so as to put forward some suggestions for making preferential tax policies. Methods Preferential tax policies related to pharmaceutical R&D from the Ninth-Five-Year to the Twelfth-Five-Year period of China were selected and analyzed through text analysis methods. Results and Conclusion Current preferential tax policies are not targeted and systematic. The preferential tax policies should be designed to motivate small and medium-sized enterprises and the tax incentives must have a sustainable effect. Government should reinforce its proactive tax incentives and shift from the direct preferential tax policies to the indirect ones gradually.
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    Research on Setting up Patent Risk Management System in Medical colleges and universities in China
    Jin Quanyuan, Lin Xiaohui, Dong Li
    2018 (1):  8-15. 
    摘要 ( 347 )   PDF(736KB) ( 396 )  
    Objective To set up a patent risk management system in pharmaceutical universities in China to improve patent risk management effectively. Methods Organization innovation theory was used to set up a patent risk management system through the combination of risk management theory and modern enterprise management concept. Results and Conclusion Relevant work of patent management can be carried out in the various organizations of the universities through setting up the patent risk management system, and thus to control the various risks in the patent management.
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    Research on Project Scope Management of New Drug Technology Transfer
    Li Wei, Xing Hua
    2018 (1):  16-19. 
    摘要 ( 333 )   PDF(338KB) ( 340 )  
    Objective To apply project management concept and methods to new drug technology transfer projects so as to improve the success rates and efficiency of new drug technology transfer projects between drug R&D institutions and pharmaceutical manufacturers or among pharmaceutical manufacturers. Methods The theories and methods of project scope management, combined with management practices of new drug technology transfer projects were used to explain the process and working procedures of its management. Results and Conclusion Project scope management is not only the core of new drug technology transfer projects, but also the key to the success of new drug technology transfer.
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    Impact of New Payment Restrictions added to Medical Insurance Catalogues on the Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections in a Hospital
    Wang Xiaoyang, Zhang Fang
    2018 (1):  20-26. 
    摘要 ( 316 )   PDF(662KB) ( 425 )  
    Objective To study whether the new restrictions on the medical insurance catalogue have restricted the drug use in the actual operation; whether it can reduce or avoid the overuse of drugs through the investigation into a certain hospital so as to provide a data base for the adjustment of medical insurance catalogues in the future. Methods Data before and after the adjustment of catalogues was collected to compare the change of drug use before and after the adjustment through calculating the drug consumption and drawing the tendency chart by excel 2010 software. Results and Conclusion The use of Xi Yanping, Shu Xuening and Xing Naojing injections was influenced by the adjustment of medical insurance catalogues. The use of the first two drugs was influenced more obviously, while the other drug use was affected slightly. The newly added restrictions on the medical insurance catalogues had a control effect on some drugs, especially on the drugs which have a wide range of clinical use. While restrictions had less impact on the drugs with more strict supervision.
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    Social Responsibility of Pharmaceutical Enterprises and Consumer Responses: A Relationship Research
    Fu Fei, Zhao Yinghuan
    2018 (1):  27-32. 
    摘要 ( 361 )   PDF(470KB) ( 278 )  
    Objective To investigate whether the social responsibility of pharmaceutical enterprises has an impact on customer responses. Methods The research model and hypothesis was examined through the structural equation model to study the effect of social responsibility of pharmaceutical enterprises on consumer responses. Results and Conclusion Charity dimension of social responsibility of pharmaceutical enterprises had a positive impact on consumer identification of enterprises; Consumer identification had a positive impact on consumer responses. To fulfill the social responsibility will help the pharmaceutical enterprises to improve the customer loyalty and purchase intention, sharpen enterprises competitive edge.
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